Our P.T.O. has planned many exciting events to celebrate our school year. We encourage you to become involved. There are many different opportunities available, and they provide wonderful ways to be involved in your child’s education. We love our volunteers and appreciate their support and feedback.
What is a volunteer?
vol•un•teer: [vol-uh n-teer] –noun
1. a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking.
Volunteers at Three Oaks Elementary help students, teachers, and staff exceed expectations every day. Please consider the following benefits to volunteering and join us.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Classroom Volunteer
- Volunteer Committee
- School Picture Day
- Field Trip Chaperone
- P.T.O Committee
- SAC Committee
- Greeter (morning drop-off)
- Science Fair Judge
- Year book Mentor
- Winter Fest Committee
- Winter Fest Volunteer
- Media Center Volunteer
- Career Day Speaker
- Book Fair Chairperson/Volunteer
- Bear Buck Store Volunteer
- Staff Appreciation Breakfast (December)
- Staff Appreciation Luncheon Committee (May)
Volunteering Benefits
- Show your child that you take interest in their education
- Send a positive message about helping others
- Build positive relationships with teachers, administrators, and other parents
- Gain first hand understanding of child’s daily activities
- Become part of our school community and help us carry out our school mission
New Volunteer Application.pdf
Spanish New Volunteer Application - SPANISH.pdf